
Mais um filme em DVD: Hotel Rwanda

Hotel Rwanda
Terry George

When "Hotel Rwanda" premiered at Toronto 2004, some reviews criticized the film for focusing on Paul and the colonel, and making little effort to "depict" the genocide as a whole. But director Terry George and writer Keir Pearson have made exactly the correct decision. A film cannot be about a million murders, but it can be about how a few people respond. Paul, as it happens, is a real person, and Col. Oliver is based on one, and "Hotel Rwanda" is about what they really did.

Ainda me recordo do interesse da comunicação social sobre o genocídio no Ruanda da mesma forma que me recordo da falta de interesse do poder político mundial em pôr cobro a um dos períodos mais horrendos da história africana.

Excelente a interpretação de Don Cheadle.

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