
Rock the Casbah - The Clash

E novo regresso ao passado desta para rever o divertidíssimo videoclip de Rock the Casbah dos The Clash.

A respeito da música pode ler-se na Wikipédia:

The song was inspired by the banning of rock music in Iran under Ayatollah Khomeini. The song gives a fabulist account of the ban being defied by the population who proceed to "rock the casbah", causing the King to order jet fighters to bomb any people in violation of the ban. The pilots ignore the orders, and instead play rock music on their cockpit radios.

E ainda:

The song became an unofficial anthem for U.S. forces during the first Gulf War largely on the basis of the line about dropping "bombs between the minarets". In fact, it was the first song played by Armed Forces Radio at the start of the war. This has been seen as highly ironic, if not downright insulting, by many Clash fans, given the band's well established anti-war stance. Conservatives counter that it is entirely appropriate, as the song highlights the militaristic and totalitarian nature of many Middle East regimes, a major cause of the Gulf War in the first place.

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Rock the Casbah - The Clash


Anonymous said...

Eu gosto bastante de The Clash, talvez porque as suas canções me lembram as minhas noites loucas no Bairro Alto, nos tempos do Gingão e da Juke Box…

Maria Felgueiras said...

Nunca frequentei a Juke, mas andei uns tempos pelo Gingão e Danúbio Azul. Na altura, e devido ao facto de viver em Paço d'Arcos, as noitadas eram passadas num Bar/Discoteca alternativo chamado KGB no Estoril. E aí também se ouvia muito The Clash. :)

Vee said...

É provável que nos tenhamos cruzado, Black Cat... Eu frequentava ambas... e também um pouco o Danúbio Azul e o Solar do Marão... Bons velhos tempos! ;) Beijo, Velv.